Friday, December 9, 2011

Page 2: Final Project Final Statement

    After finishing the final project I believe the point will get across to the audience who is viewing the pieces. The pictures all show that the people doing their professions, but with a twist. The twist is that have different bodies. I wanted the pieces to have the superhero be recognizable by their costumes, but the different faces of the people would show the meaning of the pieces.

     The meaning of the pieces is to show the that everyday people who do things are superhero, like the one we watch and read about. With this project I wanted to capture this. The Blot picture as flash shows his speed, and his accomplishments at the Olympics. The Picture of Kimbo Slice as Hulk shows his intensity as he fights in the ring. The picture of President Obama as Superman shows how he has everyday task then jumps into action to help the country. The focus of the pictures was to follow the main idea of the superhero project that we completed.

     The pictures showed the point, but if I was able I would change the background in the pictures. I also would try to use different angles when depicting the actions of the people.

Artist Statement

     When given this project for the final project many ideas came into my head. I started to reflect on all the past micro-projects that we have done. I then stated to piece together some of the main ideas of those projects. When reviewing the past projects one project really stuck out to me. The one project that really sparked my interest was micro-project 4 the superhero piece.

    Before making the project I had to brainstorm about what superheros wanted to use, and how I could could connect them. Then I came up with the idea to use superheros, and relate them to everyday people. When I thought about how these could be turned into pictures. I started out gathering people, and thinking about what super hero they could relate to. President Obama as Superman. Kimbo Slice as the Hulk. Usain Bolt as Flash. Wanted to show everyday people as modern superheros.

     When the project was completed I tried to capture the people and the superhero in a common stance. I wanted to show how the two related by performing similar acts.This was showed by Bolt running, and Obama in his suit.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Action Word

The action word given for this piece was to remove. For this piece I wanted to show the before and after of my room. The first picture on the left has my bed with the comforter, and mattress. On the picture on the left I removed the mattress. 
The bed had a purpose of sleeping, and is still a bed. But without the mattress the bed doesn't serve the same purpose. I also listed the action word to remove at the top of the project. I left out the letter e in the word remove. The letter was removed from the word, as was the mattress from the bed. The main focus of taking the pictures was to try and make sure that pictures were very close to being the same picture. With the removal of the bed you can see the entire room. The things under the bed are now out to see.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The picture here shows me flying over Manhattan New York. While growing up I always thought it would be cool to be able to fly. Flying is a super power that a lot of my favorite super hero's have. If really able to fly I would be able to get to places quicker, also I would be able to save a lot of money on gas and driving cars.

I picked New York, because this is where I always wanted to visit. If able to fly I could change venue fast. The trip there would be in a seconds. Superman is my favorite superhero so having the ability to fly like him would be an experience. One thing I would change is the picture used. A full body shot of flying would have displayed the point more clearly. I also would like to learn more about shading so the picture could look more like the person is flying.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Project 3

     The sculpture is of the Ohio Stadium with a giant fan pointing, and sitting in the middle of the stadium. The Stadium has a giant fan sitting inside to represent the fans that support the football team every home game. The hundred thousand plus screaming fans fill the stands Ohio Stadium to cheer on the buckeyes. The fans dress in Buckeye gear all in support.
     The giant fan represents the giant influence that crowd has in the game. The crowd gets involved on chats, school songs, and much needed noise for opponents third downs. The crowd plays a very important role in the game.  I chose this location because it is a very noticeable landmark on Campus. The stadium is big, so the influence of the fans had to be big as well. I also the Ohio stadium as a tribute to the fans that show support to all the teams of the university. The materials that I used for this piece were bricks, and clay. This helped with the shaping, and the making of the very large sculpture. The brick was used as a base to the the sculpture. The inside of the piece consist of brick, lumber, and clay. The outside of the piece was shaped with clay. The piece was sculpted under tarp, then uncovered to dry. The fans who come to visit the piece can come and take picture of the giant sculpture. The fans can also enter the stadium to view the enter workings.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Project 2

1. Blackberry- Blackberry is my cell phone. I use this to communicate with the people close to me in my life. I also use my phone for a calculator, and to take pictures.
2. Movies- I watch movies alot. I like to find movies,an rewatch them to learn the lines. I often attened the movies to check out new movies.
3. Computer- I use the computer alot. I also would like to go into a major that deals wit computers. Computer science, or computer engineering. Being on the computer is a very big hobby of mine.
4. Basketball- Basketball is very important to me, I love to play, and watch the game. The game has tought me alot of life lessons.
5. Hat- I like to wear hats. I also like to wear them of my favorite sport teams, or of a specfic city.
6.Skateboarding- I always wanted to learn how to skate board. I think that skatboarding would be fun, and teach me a new way of entertanment. I picked skateboarding because this looks very cool, with all the tricks that are out there.
7.T.V- I watch tv alot. I like to watch movies with friends, and learn the lines. I also like to watch sports on espn. I also like to entertain my self my hooking up my computer to the t.v this incorporates two of my favorite ways of entertainment.
8.Federal Center Battle Creek MI- The federal center is a major landmark in my hometown of Battle Creek MI. I would have to walk past this building just about every day in my hometown. This pictures helps represent the city.
9.Ipod- Music is very important. I listen to music al the time, and it reallycan get you excited when listeniing to a new song. I often like to listen to a ipod on long road trips, or on long plane rides.
10.Olympics- This picture whenever  look show me determination. The picture shows me that goals can be achieved. This picture shows picture motivates me whenever I look at it.

I think that is picture show that I like a lot of different things. I really love my hometown of Battle Creek MI. I also use alot electonic things, I love all types of computer things such as ipods, and computers. The Picture shows alot, and even shows some things I still want learn, such as skateboarding.

The choice words also help explain the pictures.
1. Communication
2. Influence, Hobby
3. Interest, Major
4. Craft, Love
5. Style
6. New Hobby
7. Entertainment
8. Home, Family, Love
9. Music, Choice, Fun
10. Freedom, Power

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Micro project

For this micro project I wanted to show the route that I take on my route to class. I have a class prior, so the class is right down the street from the stadium. The walking man represents me starting my walk to class from Independence Hall where my other class is located. The red line marks the path that I take on my way to the classroom.

The walking man represent as I set out to class. The Standing man represents me after walking to the stadium from my math lecture which is located on Neil. The man stops on the stadium were the class room is located. I also used to a sky view to really show the proximity between the two spot. The bird’s eye view helps show how the Ohio Stadium acts as a very big landmark on my way to Computer Art class. The text is inside the stadium, because it’s the most eye catching in the picture. The text helps explain how close the two classes really are. I used a clear red line so the viewer could still see the path, but also the streets and things passed while walking. The tools used in this piece were paint, text, and the magnetic crop tool. The paint tool made the most impact. I used this tool to draw out the transparent red route to class.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011



The Piece above is called amphibian evolution, created in 1986 by Alexis Rockman. The piece consists of a tree, with the branches holding small animals. But with a second glance you can see that the animals have changed, or evolved over time. When I first caught a look at the Workman's piece I noticed it reminded me of a nature cycle. The connotation of the piece is that there are animals hanging from trees. The denotations of the piece are that the animals hanging from the trees represent the life cycle, and how the animals have changed over time.

The Piece has a lot of different animals in the painting. The animals start on small branches, and as the animals grew the branches that they were placed on grew as well. The bigger animals being on the bigger branches show the point of how they have grown over time, and have changed.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Hello I am Trey McDonald from Battle Creek MI. I am a freshman this present year at The Ohio State University. I have many interest, and hobbies. I spend a lot of my free time hanging with friends, and watching movies. I play sports for fun as well, and enjoy all different types of music. I enjoy working on computers which has helped me decide a major in computer science, or computer engineering.

I am very excited to take this course because it incorporates two of my interest computers, and art. This course will help give me new experience on the computer in which I had not yet seen. I am also very excited about creating, and posting in my own blog. Blog posting has become very popular, and I am very thrilled about the chance to be able to write in my own. I very thrilled also to be using art in the computer whereas this will be a new experience for me.